01202 927 997 or FREEPHONE 0800 955 0927 clean@homevirasafe.co.uk
Can I be in the property whilst it is being sanitised?
Yes you can, however you may not be in the room that is being fogged and may not enter it for 15 minutes after the fogging has been completed. Although the chemicals we use are safe and non-toxic this time simply allows the fog to dry on all your surfaces and provide maximum protection.
Could I be alergic to the fogging chemical?
Any one can present a reaction to any substance, everyone reacts differently. However due to the chemical make up of the fogging chemical it is very unlikely that anyone in the house will have any reaction. Our chemical is tested and proven safe for the home, it is a non-hazardous water-based product that has a toxicity rating (LD50 rating) similar to Vitamin C. It is colourless and odourless, and it does not create any fumes.